Homeless pets in Almaty, Kazakhstan
We want to share the news that we started financial support for a dog shelter Dos, and also some other homeless pets volunteering organizations in Almaty, Kazakhstan. We had a chance to meet with a few volunteers and visit a shelter Dos. Here are the pictures from our visit of the shelter.
You will see on the pictures that most of them are chained, that’s because they didn’t have a chance to install the kennel doors yet, now almost all of their dogs are chain free, with installed roofs and are getting ready for the winter.
There are a few reasons we decided to support homeless animals in a remote country: 1) Spaying, neutering, food and care for dogs and cats is about 10 times cheaper than here so $1 can save more animals there than here. 2) The government doesn’t provide any kind of support to shelters or volunteering organizations at the moment, and most of the people treat their own pets badly, leave them chained outside and don’t believe in spay/neuter. Owners kill the newborn litter or leave it in the boxes outside in hopes someone will take them. There is a lot of work that needs to be done to change the mentality towards the pets and especially homeless pets, and volunteers work hard in very tough conditions.
We created, and actively promote a page where different volunteering groups and shelters in Almaty can post ads about dogs/cats that are available for adoption. Normally, regular people who have compassion for animals pick up cats and dogs from the streets (often times with multiple deceases and broken limbs), pay for medical treatments and spay/neuter with their own money, and then search for forever homes, all with very little support of friends. They usually don’t have time to promote the pets that they foster and thats one of the ways we help.
Here is the page: https://www.facebook.com/bestfriendsAlmaty
Government pays a lot of money to the local “dog hunting” organization, who catch homeless pets, keep them in awful conditions for 3 days without water or food to see if anyone would claim them, and then destroy them in most barbaric and economic ways (even though the government provides enough money to keep and euthanize homeless dogs/cats in humane way – the organization itself is corrupted and is not controlled). Sometimes they also sell dogs to specialized restaurants who cook dog meat.
You can imagine the gruesome and sad situation there. But volunteers don’t give up, and have most amazing hearts. The situation in Kazakhstan concerning the homeless pets is very similar to the one in Russia, but Russia is slowly making the progress towards better care for homeless pets.
Shelter and volunteering organizations that we support send us reports about how the use the money. Normally, its used for spay/neuter, other medical treatments and food/cleaning products, here you can also see 2 pictures, one is from a cat foster home – where they built shelves for the cats, and another from “Dos” shelter: a new electricity generator. We are currently helping “Dos” to set up a legal fund, which will allow them to accept donations.
Of course it wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t have our precious clients, and again thank you for choosing NY Tails, as we are constantly looking for ways to improve our service and bring something positive into the World.